Tuesday, September 02, 2008

"It Happens All The Time"

"It happens all the time," says the medical malpractice lawyer. (At a time that isn't now, I will go into how we backed into a lawyer. it wasn't on purpose).

But apparently, this kind of negligence is "common." Even happened to the lawyer -- his doctor wasn't thorough, so the lawyer nearly died of a detectable, treatable cancer.

Any IFer knows to be aggressive with her doctor.

But now I realize that we all should be equally distrustful, aggressive with every doctor for every member of our families.

And i long for the days when i could trust the white coats.


Familyofthree said...

Amen to that! Unfortunately you often find out the hard way. I do hope Momma is at least comfortable during this time...

A said...

It's not fair. It's just not fair. Ditto the pp... I hope momma is not in much/any pain. Has hospice been called in yet?
Spunketta will always have his momma-angel...

Bea said...

Sounds like a nasty mess. I don't know what to say about it all. I hope you're ok.
