Tuesday, October 23, 2007

No punchline. Just blood.

Blood. Lots of it. Bright red and it won't stop.

Waiting for H to get out of the shower and get dressed so we can run to the RE clinic.

Talked to the on call doctor. She said if I had severe cramping, she'd be worried, but I don't (only minimal cramping) so she's not.

Well, that's one of us.

H keeps trying to hold me but I keep trying not to cry.

Lots of blood. On my third pad. Had to break out my old m.axi p.ads. Looks like I'll have to buy more.


Maranda said...

Oh no! Best luck to you...update when you can!

Cathy said...

Oh no!

I hope it's just a scare and that everyone is healthy ... good luck today.

Familyofthree said...

I am thinking about you. Please update when you can. In the mean time I am sending lots of prayers, and much love.

Waiting Amy said...

Oh, Nica! No, no, no!

I'm hoping so hard for you that everything is okay. Hopefully its just and evil scare.

Thinking of you.

Somewhat Ordinary said...

Oh, I hope everything is ok!Wishing you all the best.

Serenity said...

Hoping everything is ok - holding my breath for you.

Please update us when you can.

Hugs and love.


LJ said...

Oh my goodness Nica...I am praying that everything is okay. Please update when you can.

JJ said...

Lots of prayers for you Nica....

Pam said...

Fingers are crossed for you that it's nothing serious.

Pamela T. said...

Like everyone else here...thinking of you and hoping for the best.