Sunday, November 26, 2006


Well, this was our year to host Thanksgiving. So my Brother and SIL came and condescended. And my Father came and planted himself in front of football. And my MIL got into the flan and got sick.

How was your Thanksgiving?

The nice part was that H and I got to spend time together. I tortured Brother and SIL (as well as Papi) into our traditional M.onopol.y tournament. Very fun, but MIL is much better at P.ictionar.y. (Maybe for Christmas).

This will be our only family holiday this year, as this is the only holiday where family comes to us. Traveling with an Alzheimer's victim is a challenge on a good day; traveling during the holidays is sheer hell. ESPECIALLY in the post 9/11 world. Once, my MIL was even detained by security for behaving suspiciously.

So no more holiday travel for us...

We took a hard look at our budget, and realized that even if we wanted to, we couldn't afford any travel in the near future. Much less any Christmas presents of heft.

Maybe next year...

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