Friday, September 21, 2007

First, you wait. And then you wait some more...

I have a RL friend that I've kept up to date on my fertility trial.

I have carefully trained her; at first, she was one of the "relax, it'll happen" crowd. No more. Through months of slow and careful education, as well as a tirade or two, she is now fairly versed in the ways of IF. (She even knows to call it "IF").


Yesterday, she texted me, "Okay, what's next?"

I called her back and said, "Now I have to wait."

"Wait? Why? Can't they tell? Why can't they tell?" She was incredibly frustrated.

And I laughed.

And I explained the 2ww.

"Well, THAT sucks."


Dr. Grumbles said...

Well, it does kinda suck, doesn't it?

deanna said...

I have a friend like that, too---the slow training, mini-lectures, etc. really helped get a RL ally. I'm glad she now understands the complete suckage of the 2WW (and why it makes all of us so CRAZY!)

Esperanza said...

HAHA....that is funny! Seriously funny, because well it does.

Knock Me Up said...

indeed, it really does suck!

Bea said...

Neatly put! I'm glad she's been so willing to train. It's great to have someone like that - especially during this waiting time.


Lollipop Goldstein said...

Tell me about it :-) Wishing you peace during the wait.